Sunday, May 6, 2012

踮起脚尖,寻找梦想(Taiwan Super Idol 2010 Edition)


Super Love!! 
So we decided to do a duet with this song (: 

I met peiyu even before i heard her voice
at 台北师大夜市 (shida night market),
because i was travelling with 房间版 (einein, zijie and guohao) 
for our first every first ever Taiwan televised singing competition,
Super Idol 超级偶像 2010!


和新加坡歌手,插班生,房间版,dawn, 和baby来个大合照!
We were representatives from Singapore,
who self-funded the trip to PK against Super Idol's existing contestants in the running. 

The whole experience was a whirlwind!

It took me only 1 week to send my auditions videos, 
choose my audition song, 
and to book air tickets/accommodation,
before i scoot off to to Taiwan for an experience of lifetime (:


After a night of good food & shopping,
the next day was a full day of soundcheck at 三立电视台摄影棚。
Everyone had only a few minutes to check the key
and run through their song once..

Us camwhoring while
Micapella soundchecks in the background
Come competition day,
everything went past in a flash.
Make-up & hair checked by the taiwanese make-up artistes,
a last minute pre-empt that my opponent, the vocal powerhouse 艾怡良,
is going to sing a duet of my competition song with me!

I was nervous-stiff!

Before the PK contingent got on stage, we had a short session of briefing from none other than
the competition host herself, 利菁姐!

She was really professional and nice,
took the opportunity to know us a little bit more and ease us into the mood
before we get eaten alive by our nerves,
giving us tips & advices on the dos & don'ts of interview on national TV.
For example, she taught us how to chuck away the humble pie,
and embrace praises during interviews, so as to sustain the energy of her words,
and to seize the tv opportunity as a way to promote ourselves..

I was the last one in line for the competition,
and the wait was just excruciating.
A million worst-case scenarios surfaced in my mind 
"Am i gonna forget my lyrics? 
Will i fall flat on my face on stage?
Do i look fat on screen?
Am i gonna fumble with my less-than-perfect mandarin when li jing interviews me??!"

When the time finally came for me to show what i've got,
my mind was a blank.
It took me 30 seconds to regain consciousness of what i was doing,
and the rest was history (:

Skip to 1:03 for my introduction and 
1:47 for my performance of the song "Big Spender"

Skip to 3:10 to watch our duet &
4:15 for judges' comments 


Some people i would like to thank throughout the experience (albeit a little late)..


长那么大从来没有人为我做海报(虽然名字是写错了hehe), 我真的很感动(:



房间版  最近接受了好多电视和报章访问,也继续和上百万的网络粉丝们分享做音乐的快乐与热诚。房间版/140785182623456

Micapella 去年发了专辑,也到了法国参加比赛。。

插班生 也正在巡回香港台湾,到处办演唱会。。

我姐可为 也刚和公司S2S发了个人英文专辑,现在马上在准备下张华文专辑。。(:

never give up!

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